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'{\n' + gap + partial.join(',\n' + gap) + '\n' + mind + '}' : '{' + partial.join(',') + '}'; gap = mind; return v } } if (typeof JSON.stringify !== 'function') { JSON.stringify = function(value, replacer, space) { var i; gap = ''; indent = ''; if (typeof space === 'number') { for (i = 0; i < space; i += 1) { indent += ' ' } } else if (typeof space === 'string') { indent = space } rep = replacer; if (replacer && typeof replacer !== 'function' && (typeof replacer !== 'object' || typeof replacer.length !== 'number')) { throw new Error('JSON.stringify'); } return str('', { '': value }) } } if (typeof JSON.parse !== 'function') { JSON.parse = function(text, reviver) { var j; function walk(holder, key) { var k, v, value = holder[key]; if (value && typeof value === 'object') { for (k in value) { if (, k)) { v = walk(value, k); if (v !== undefined) { value[k] = v } else { delete value[k] } } } } return, key, value) } text = String(text); cx.lastIndex = 0; if (cx.test(text)) { text = text.replace(cx, function(a) { return '\\u' + ('0000' + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4) }) } if (/^[\],:{}\s]*$/.test(text.replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g, '@').replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, ']').replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, ''))) { j = eval('(' + text + ')'); return typeof reviver === 'function' ? walk({ '': j }, '') : j } throw new SyntaxError('JSON.parse'); } } } ()); (function() { var R = /((?:\((?:\([^()]+\)|[^()]+)+\)|\[(?:\[[^[\]]*\]|['"][^'"]*['"]|[^[\]'"]+)+\]|\\.|[^ >+~,(\[\\]+)+|[>+~])(\s*,\s*)?/g, L = 0, H = Object.prototype.toString; var F = function(Y, U, ab, ac) { ab = ab || []; U = U || document; if (U.nodeType !== 1 && U.nodeType !== 9) { return [] } if (!Y || typeof Y !== "string") { return ab } var Z = [], W, af, ai, T, ad, V, X = true; R.lastIndex = 0; while ((W = R.exec(Y)) !== null) { Z.push(W[1]); if (W[2]) { V = RegExp.rightContext; break } } if (Z.length > 1 && M.exec(Y)) { if (Z.length === 2 && I.relative[Z[0]]) { af = J(Z[0] + Z[1], U) } else { af = I.relative[Z[0]] ? [U] : F(Z.shift(), U); while (Z.length) { Y = Z.shift(); if (I.relative[Y]) { Y += Z.shift() } af = J(Y, af) } } } else { var ae = ac ? { expr: Z.pop(), set: E(ac)} : F.find(Z.pop(), Z.length === 1 && U.parentNode ? U.parentNode : U, Q(U)); af = F.filter(ae.expr, ae.set); if (Z.length > 0) { ai = E(af) } else { X = false } while (Z.length) { var ah = Z.pop(), ag = ah; if (!I.relative[ah]) { ah = "" } else { ag = Z.pop() } if (ag == null) { ag = U } I.relative[ah](ai, ag, Q(U)) } } if (!ai) { ai = af } if (!ai) { throw "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + (ah || Y) } if ( === "[object Array]") { if (!X) { ab.push.apply(ab, ai) } else { if (U.nodeType === 1) { for (var aa = 0; ai[aa] != null; aa++) { if (ai[aa] && (ai[aa] === true || ai[aa].nodeType === 1 && K(U, ai[aa]))) { ab.push(af[aa]) } } } else { for (var aa = 0; ai[aa] != null; aa++) { if (ai[aa] && ai[aa].nodeType === 1) { ab.push(af[aa]) } } } } } else { E(ai, ab) } if (V) { F(V, U, ab, ac); if (G) { hasDuplicate = false; ab.sort(G); if (hasDuplicate) { for (var aa = 1; aa < ab.length; aa++) { if (ab[aa] === ab[aa - 1]) { ab.splice(aa--, 1) } } } } } return ab }; F.matches = function(T, U) { return F(T, null, null, U) }; F.find = function(aa, T, ab) { var Z, X; if (!aa) { return [] } for (var W = 0, V = I.order.length; W < V; W++) { var Y = I.order[W], X; if ((X = I.match[Y].exec(aa))) { var U = RegExp.leftContext; if (U.substr(U.length - 1) !== "\\") { X[1] = (X[1] || "").replace(/\\/g, ""); Z = I.find[Y](X, T, ab); if (Z != null) { aa = aa.replace(I.match[Y], ""); break } } } } if (!Z) { Z = T.getElementsByTagName("*") } return { set: Z, expr: aa} }; F.filter = function(ad, ac, ag, W) { var V = ad, ai = [], aa = ac, Y, T, Z = ac && ac[0] && Q(ac[0]); while (ad && ac.length) { for (var ab in I.filter) { if ((Y = I.match[ab].exec(ad)) != null) { var U = I.filter[ab], ah, af; T = false; if (aa == ai) { ai = [] } if (I.preFilter[ab]) { Y = I.preFilter[ab](Y, aa, ag, ai, W, Z); if (!Y) { T = ah = true } else { if (Y === true) { continue } } } if (Y) { for (var X = 0; (af = aa[X]) != null; X++) { if (af) { ah = U(af, Y, X, aa); var ae = W ^ !!ah; if (ag && ah != null) { if (ae) { T = true } else { aa[X] = false } } else { if (ae) { ai.push(af); T = true } } } } } if (ah !== g) { if (!ag) { aa = ai } ad = ad.replace(I.match[ab], ""); if (!T) { return [] } break } } } if (ad == V) { if (T == null) { throw "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + ad } else { break } } V = ad } return aa }; var I = F.selectors = { order: ["ID", "NAME", "TAG"], match: { ID: /#((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF_-]|\\.)+)/, CLASS: /\.((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF_-]|\\.)+)/, NAME: /\[name=['"]*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF_-]|\\.)+)['"]*\]/, ATTR: /\[\s*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF_-]|\\.)+)\s*(?:(\S?=)\s*(['"]*)(.*?)\3|)\s*\]/, TAG: /^((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\*_-]|\\.)+)/, CHILD: /:(only|nth|last|first)-child(?:\((even|odd|[\dn+-]*)\))?/, POS: /:(nth|eq|gt|lt|first|last|even|odd)(?:\((\d*)\))?(?=[^-]|$)/, PSEUDO: /:((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF_-]|\\.)+)(?:\((['"]*)((?:\([^\)]+\)|[^\2\(\)]*)+)\2\))?/ }, attrMap: { "class": "className", "for": "htmlFor" }, attrHandle: { href: function(T) { return T.getAttribute("href") } }, relative: { "+": function(aa, T, Z) { var X = typeof T === "string", ab = X && !/\W/.test(T), Y = X && !ab; if (ab && !Z) { T = T.toUpperCase() } for (var W = 0, V = aa.length, U; W < V; W++) { if ((U = aa[W])) { while ((U = U.previousSibling) && U.nodeType !== 1) { } aa[W] = Y || U && U.nodeName === T ? U || false : U === T } } if (Y) { F.filter(T, aa, true) } }, ">": function(Z, U, aa) { var X = typeof U === "string"; if (X && !/\W/.test(U)) { U = aa ? U : U.toUpperCase(); for (var V = 0, T = Z.length; V < T; V++) { var Y = Z[V]; if (Y) { var W = Y.parentNode; Z[V] = W.nodeName === U ? W : false } } } else { for (var V = 0, T = Z.length; V < T; V++) { var Y = Z[V]; if (Y) { Z[V] = X ? Y.parentNode : Y.parentNode === U } } if (X) { F.filter(U, Z, true) } } }, "": function(W, U, Y) { var V = L++, T = S; if (!U.match(/\W/)) { var X = U = Y ? U : U.toUpperCase(); T = P } T("parentNode", U, V, W, X, Y) }, "~": function(W, U, Y) { var V = L++, T = S; if (typeof U === "string" && !U.match(/\W/)) { var X = U = Y ? U : U.toUpperCase(); T = P } T("previousSibling", U, V, W, X, Y) } }, find: { ID: function(U, V, W) { if (typeof V.getElementById !== "undefined" && !W) { var T = V.getElementById(U[1]); return T ? [T] : [] } }, NAME: function(V, Y, Z) { if (typeof Y.getElementsByName !== "undefined") { var U = [], X = Y.getElementsByName(V[1]); for (var W = 0, T = X.length; W < T; W++) { if (X[W].getAttribute("name") === V[1]) { U.push(X[W]) } } return U.length === 0 ? null : U } }, TAG: function(T, U) { return U.getElementsByTagName(T[1]) } }, preFilter: { CLASS: function(W, U, V, T, Z, aa) { W = " " + W[1].replace(/\\/g, "") + " "; if (aa) { return W } for (var X = 0, Y; (Y = U[X]) != null; X++) { if (Y) { if (Z ^ (Y.className && (" " + Y.className + " ").indexOf(W) >= 0)) { if (!V) { T.push(Y) } } else { if (V) { U[X] = false } } } } return false }, ID: function(T) { return T[1].replace(/\\/g, "") }, TAG: function(U, T) { for (var V = 0; T[V] === false; V++) { } return T[V] && Q(T[V]) ? U[1] : U[1].toUpperCase() }, CHILD: function(T) { if (T[1] == "nth") { var U = /(-?)(\d*)n((?:\+|-)?\d*)/.exec(T[2] == "even" && "2n" || T[2] == "odd" && "2n+1" || !/\D/.test(T[2]) && "0n+" + T[2] || T[2]); T[2] = (U[1] + (U[2] || 1)) - 0; T[3] = U[3] - 0 } T[0] = L++; return T }, ATTR: function(X, U, V, T, Y, Z) { var W = X[1].replace(/\\/g, ""); if (!Z && I.attrMap[W]) { X[1] = I.attrMap[W] } if (X[2] === "~=") { X[4] = " " + X[4] + " " } return X }, PSEUDO: function(X, U, V, T, Y) { if (X[1] === "not") { if (X[3].match(R).length > 1 || /^\w/.test(X[3])) { X[3] = F(X[3], null, null, U) } else { var W = F.filter(X[3], U, V, true ^ Y); if (!V) { T.push.apply(T, W) } return false } } else { if (I.match.POS.test(X[0]) || I.match.CHILD.test(X[0])) { return true } } return X }, POS: function(T) { T.unshift(true); return T } }, filters: { enabled: function(T) { return T.disabled === false && T.type !== "hidden" }, disabled: function(T) { return T.disabled === true }, checked: function(T) { return T.checked === true }, selected: function(T) { T.parentNode.selectedIndex; return T.selected === true }, parent: function(T) { return !!T.firstChild }, empty: function(T) { return !T.firstChild }, has: function(V, U, T) { return !!F(T[3], V).length }, header: function(T) { return /h\d/i.test(T.nodeName) }, text: function(T) { return "text" === T.type }, radio: function(T) { return "radio" === T.type }, checkbox: function(T) { return "checkbox" === T.type }, file: function(T) { return "file" === T.type }, password: function(T) { return "password" === T.type }, submit: function(T) { return "submit" === T.type }, image: function(T) { return "image" === T.type }, reset: function(T) { return "reset" === T.type }, button: function(T) { return "button" === T.type || T.nodeName.toUpperCase() === "BUTTON" }, input: function(T) { return /input|select|textarea|button/i.test(T.nodeName) } }, setFilters: { first: function(U, T) { return T === 0 }, last: function(V, U, T, W) { return U === W.length - 1 }, even: function(U, T) { return T % 2 === 0 }, odd: function(U, T) { return T % 2 === 1 }, lt: function(V, U, T) { return U < T[3] - 0 }, gt: function(V, U, T) { return U > T[3] - 0 }, nth: function(V, U, T) { return T[3] - 0 == U }, eq: function(V, U, T) { return T[3] - 0 == U } }, filter: { PSEUDO: function(Z, V, W, aa) { var U = V[1], X = I.filters[U]; if (X) { return X(Z, W, V, aa) } else { if (U === "contains") { return (Z.textContent || Z.innerText || "").indexOf(V[3]) >= 0 } else { if (U === "not") { var Y = V[3]; for (var W = 0, T = Y.length; W < T; W++) { if (Y[W] === Z) { return false } } return true } } } }, CHILD: function(T, W) { var Z = W[1], U = T; switch (Z) { case "only": case "first": while (U = U.previousSibling) { if (U.nodeType === 1) { return false } } if (Z == "first") { return true } U = T; case "last": while (U = U.nextSibling) { if (U.nodeType === 1) { return false } } return true; case "nth": var V = W[2], ac = W[3]; if (V == 1 && ac == 0) { return true } var Y = W[0], ab = T.parentNode; if (ab && (ab.sizcache !== Y || !T.nodeIndex)) { var X = 0; for (U = ab.firstChild; U; U = U.nextSibling) { if (U.nodeType === 1) { U.nodeIndex = ++X } } ab.sizcache = Y } var aa = T.nodeIndex - ac; if (V == 0) { return aa == 0 } else { return (aa % V == 0 && aa / V >= 0) } } }, ID: function(U, T) { return U.nodeType === 1 && U.getAttribute("id") === T }, TAG: function(U, T) { return (T === "*" && U.nodeType === 1) || U.nodeName === T }, CLASS: function(U, T) { return (" " + (U.className || U.getAttribute("class")) + " ").indexOf(T) > -1 }, ATTR: function(Y, W) { var V = W[1], T = I.attrHandle[V] ? I.attrHandle[V](Y) : Y[V] != null ? Y[V] : Y.getAttribute(V), Z = T + "", X = W[2], U = W[4]; return T == null ? X === "!=" : X === "=" ? Z === U : X === "*=" ? Z.indexOf(U) >= 0 : X === "~=" ? (" " + Z + " ").indexOf(U) >= 0 : !U ? Z && T !== false : X === "!=" ? Z != U : X === "^=" ? Z.indexOf(U) === 0 : X === "$=" ? Z.substr(Z.length - U.length) === U : X === "|=" ? Z === U || Z.substr(0, U.length + 1) === U + "-" : false }, POS: function(X, U, V, Y) { var T = U[2], W = I.setFilters[T]; if (W) { return W(X, V, U, Y) } } } }; var M = I.match.POS; for (var O in I.match) { I.match[O] = RegExp(I.match[O].source + /(?![^\[]*\])(?![^\(]*\))/.source) } var E = function(U, T) { U =; if (T) { T.push.apply(T, U); return T } return U }; try { } catch (N) { E = function(X, W) { var U = W || []; if ( === "[object Array]") { Array.prototype.push.apply(U, X) } else { if (typeof X.length === "number") { for (var V = 0, T = X.length; V < T; V++) { U.push(X[V]) } } else { for (var V = 0; X[V]; V++) { U.push(X[V]) } } } return U } } var G; if (document.documentElement.compareDocumentPosition) { G = function(U, T) { var V = U.compareDocumentPosition(T) & 4 ? -1 : U === T ? 0 : 1; if (V === 0) { hasDuplicate = true } return V } } else { if ("sourceIndex" in document.documentElement) { G = function(U, T) { var V = U.sourceIndex - T.sourceIndex; if (V === 0) { hasDuplicate = true } return V } } else { if (document.createRange) { G = function(W, U) { var V = W.ownerDocument.createRange(), T = U.ownerDocument.createRange(); V.selectNode(W); V.collapse(true); T.selectNode(U); T.collapse(true); var X = V.compareBoundaryPoints(Range.START_TO_END, T); if (X === 0) { hasDuplicate = true } return X } } } } (function() { var U = document.createElement("form"), V = "script" + (new Date).getTime(); U.innerHTML = ""; var T = document.documentElement; T.insertBefore(U, T.firstChild); if (!!document.getElementById(V)) { I.find.ID = function(X, Y, Z) { if (typeof Y.getElementById !== "undefined" && !Z) { var W = Y.getElementById(X[1]); return W ? === X[1] || typeof W.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && W.getAttributeNode("id").nodeValue === X[1] ? [W] : g : [] } }; I.filter.ID = function(Y, W) { var X = typeof Y.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && Y.getAttributeNode("id"); return Y.nodeType === 1 && X && X.nodeValue === W } } T.removeChild(U) })(); (function() { var T = document.createElement("div"); T.appendChild(document.createComment("")); if (T.getElementsByTagName("*").length > 0) { I.find.TAG = function(U, Y) { var X = Y.getElementsByTagName(U[1]); if (U[1] === "*") { var W = []; for (var V = 0; X[V]; V++) { if (X[V].nodeType === 1) { W.push(X[V]) } } X = W } return X } } T.innerHTML = ""; if (T.firstChild && typeof T.firstChild.getAttribute !== "undefined" && T.firstChild.getAttribute("href") !== "#") { I.attrHandle.href = function(U) { return U.getAttribute("href", 2) } } })(); if (document.querySelectorAll) { (function() { var T = F, U = document.createElement("div"); U.innerHTML = "

"; if (U.querySelectorAll && U.querySelectorAll(".TEST").length === 0) { return } F = function(Y, X, V, W) { X = X || document; if (!W && X.nodeType === 9 && !Q(X)) { try { return E(X.querySelectorAll(Y), V) } catch (Z) { } } return T(Y, X, V, W) }; F.find = T.find; F.filter = T.filter; F.selectors = T.selectors; F.matches = T.matches })() } if (document.getElementsByClassName && document.documentElement.getElementsByClassName) { (function() { var T = document.createElement("div"); T.innerHTML = "
"; if (T.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 0) { return } T.lastChild.className = "e"; if (T.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 1) { return } I.order.splice(1, 0, "CLASS"); I.find.CLASS = function(U, V, W) { if (typeof V.getElementsByClassName !== "undefined" && !W) { return V.getElementsByClassName(U[1]) } } })() } function P(U, Z, Y, ad, aa, ac) { var ab = U == "previousSibling" && !ac; for (var W = 0, V = ad.length; W < V; W++) { var T = ad[W]; if (T) { if (ab && T.nodeType === 1) { T.sizcache = Y; T.sizset = W } T = T[U]; var X = false; while (T) { if (T.sizcache === Y) { X = ad[T.sizset]; break } if (T.nodeType === 1 && !ac) { T.sizcache = Y; T.sizset = W } if (T.nodeName === Z) { X = T; break } T = T[U] } ad[W] = X } } } function S(U, Z, Y, ad, aa, ac) { var ab = U == "previousSibling" && !ac; for (var W = 0, V = ad.length; W < V; W++) { var T = ad[W]; if (T) { if (ab && T.nodeType === 1) { T.sizcache = Y; T.sizset = W } T = T[U]; var X = false; while (T) { if (T.sizcache === Y) { X = ad[T.sizset]; break } if (T.nodeType === 1) { if (!ac) { T.sizcache = Y; T.sizset = W } if (typeof Z !== "string") { if (T === Z) { X = true; break } } else { if (F.filter(Z, [T]).length > 0) { X = T; break } } } T = T[U] } ad[W] = X } } } var K = document.compareDocumentPosition ? function(U, T) { return U.compareDocumentPosition(T) & 16 } : function(U, T) { return U !== T && (U.contains ? U.contains(T) : true) }; var Q = function(T) { return T.nodeType === 9 && T.documentElement.nodeName !== "HTML" || !!T.ownerDocument && Q(T.ownerDocument) }; var J = function(T, aa) { var W = [], X = "", Y, V = aa.nodeType ? [aa] : aa; while ((Y = I.match.PSEUDO.exec(T))) { X += Y[0]; T = T.replace(I.match.PSEUDO, "") } T = I.relative[T] ? T + "*" : T; for (var Z = 0, U = V.length; Z < U; Z++) { F(T, V[Z], W) } return F.filter(X, W) }; o.find = F; o.filter = F.filter; o.expr = F.selectors; o.expr[":"] = o.expr.filters; F.selectors.filters.hidden = function(T) { return T.offsetWidth === 0 || T.offsetHeight === 0 }; F.selectors.filters.visible = function(T) { return T.offsetWidth > 0 || T.offsetHeight > 0 }; F.selectors.filters.animated = function(T) { return o.grep(o.timers, function(U) { return T === U.elem }).length }; o.multiFilter = function(V, T, U) { if (U) { V = ":not(" + V + ")" } return F.matches(V, T) }; o.dir = function(V, U) { var T = [], W = V[U]; while (W && W != document) { if (W.nodeType == 1) { T.push(W) } W = W[U] } return T }; o.nth = function(X, T, V, W) { T = T || 1; var U = 0; for (; X; X = X[V]) { if (X.nodeType == 1 && ++U == T) { break } } return X }; o.sibling = function(V, U) { var T = []; for (; V; V = V.nextSibling) { if (V.nodeType == 1 && V != U) { T.push(V) } } return T }; return; l.Sizzle = F })(); o.event = { add: function(I, F, H, K) { if (I.nodeType == 3 || I.nodeType == 8) { return } if (I.setInterval && I != l) { I = l } if (!H.guid) { H.guid = this.guid++ } if (K !== g) { var G = H; H = this.proxy(G); = K } var E =, "events") ||, "events", {}), J =, "handle") ||, "handle", function() { return typeof o !== "undefined" && !o.event.triggered ? o.event.handle.apply(arguments.callee.elem, arguments) : g }); J.elem = I; o.each(F.split(/\s+/), function(M, N) { var O = N.split("."); N = O.shift(); H.type = O.slice().sort().join("."); var L = E[N]; if (o.event.specialAll[N]) { o.event.specialAll[N], K, O) } if (!L) { L = E[N] = {}; if (!o.event.special[N] || o.event.special[N], K, O) === false) { if (I.addEventListener) { I.addEventListener(N, J, false) } else { if (I.attachEvent) { I.attachEvent("on" + N, J) } } } } L[H.guid] = H;[N] = true }); I = null }, guid: 1, global: {}, remove: function(K, H, J) { if (K.nodeType == 3 || K.nodeType == 8) { return } var G =, "events"), F, E; if (G) { if (H === g || (typeof H === "string" && H.charAt(0) == ".")) { for (var I in G) { this.remove(K, I + (H || "")) } } else { if (H.type) { J = H.handler; H = H.type } o.each(H.split(/\s+/), function(M, O) { var Q = O.split("."); O = Q.shift(); var N = RegExp("(^|\\.)" + Q.slice().sort().join(".*\\.") + "(\\.|$)"); if (G[O]) { if (J) { delete G[O][J.guid] } else { for (var P in G[O]) { if (N.test(G[O][P].type)) { delete G[O][P] } } } if (o.event.specialAll[O]) { o.event.specialAll[O], Q) } for (F in G[O]) { break } if (!F) { if (!o.event.special[O] || o.event.special[O], Q) === false) { if (K.removeEventListener) { K.removeEventListener(O,, "handle"), false) } else { if (K.detachEvent) { K.detachEvent("on" + O,, "handle")) } } } F = null; delete G[O] } } }) } for (F in G) { break } if (!F) { var L =, "handle"); if (L) { L.elem = null } o.removeData(K, "events"); o.removeData(K, "handle") } } }, trigger: function(I, K, H, E) { var G = I.type || I; if (!E) { I = typeof I === "object" ? I[h] ? I : o.extend(o.Event(G), I) : o.Event(G); if (G.indexOf("!") >= 0) { I.type = G = G.slice(0, -1); I.exclusive = true } if (!H) { I.stopPropagation(); if ([G]) { o.each(o.cache, function() { if ( &&[G]) { o.event.trigger(I, K, this.handle.elem) } }) } } if (!H || H.nodeType == 3 || H.nodeType == 8) { return g } I.result = g; = H; K = o.makeArray(K); K.unshift(I) } I.currentTarget = H; var J =, "handle"); if (J) { J.apply(H, K) } if ((!H[G] || (o.nodeName(H, "a") && G == "click")) && H["on" + G] && H["on" + G].apply(H, K) === false) { I.result = false } if (!E && H[G] && !I.isDefaultPrevented() && !(o.nodeName(H, "a") && G == "click")) { this.triggered = true; try { H[G]() } catch (L) { } } this.triggered = false; if (!I.isPropagationStopped()) { var F = H.parentNode || H.ownerDocument; if (F) { o.event.trigger(I, K, F, true) } } }, handle: function(K) { var J, E; K = arguments[0] = o.event.fix(K || l.event); K.currentTarget = this; var L = K.type.split("."); K.type = L.shift(); J = !L.length && !K.exclusive; var I = RegExp("(^|\\.)" + L.slice().sort().join(".*\\.") + "(\\.|$)"); E = (, "events") || {})[K.type]; for (var G in E) { var H = E[G]; if (J || I.test(H.type)) { K.handler = H; =; var F = H.apply(this, arguments); if (F !== g) { K.result = F; if (F === false) { K.preventDefault(); K.stopPropagation() } } if (K.isImmediatePropagationStopped()) { break } } } }, props: "altKey attrChange attrName bubbles button cancelable charCode clientX clientY ctrlKey currentTarget data detail eventPhase fromElement handler keyCode metaKey newValue originalTarget pageX pageY prevValue relatedNode relatedTarget screenX screenY shiftKey srcElement target toElement view wheelDelta which".split(" "), fix: function(H) { if (H[h]) { return H } var F = H; H = o.Event(F); for (var G = this.props.length, J; G; ) { J = this.props[--G]; H[J] = F[J] } if (! { = H.srcElement || document } if ( == 3) { = } if (!H.relatedTarget && H.fromElement) { H.relatedTarget = H.fromElement == ? H.toElement : H.fromElement } if (H.pageX == null && H.clientX != null) { var I = document.documentElement, E = document.body; H.pageX = H.clientX + (I && I.scrollLeft || E && E.scrollLeft || 0) - (I.clientLeft || 0); H.pageY = H.clientY + (I && I.scrollTop || E && E.scrollTop || 0) - (I.clientTop || 0) } if (!H.which && ((H.charCode || H.charCode === 0) ? H.charCode : H.keyCode)) { H.which = H.charCode || H.keyCode } if (!H.metaKey && H.ctrlKey) { H.metaKey = H.ctrlKey } if (!H.which && H.button) { H.which = (H.button & 1 ? 1 : (H.button & 2 ? 3 : (H.button & 4 ? 2 : 0))) } return H }, proxy: function(F, E) { E = E || function() { return F.apply(this, arguments) }; E.guid = F.guid = F.guid || E.guid || this.guid++; return E }, special: { ready: { setup: B, teardown: function() { } } }, specialAll: { live: { setup: function(E, F) { o.event.add(this, F[0], c) }, teardown: function(G) { if (G.length) { var E = 0, F = RegExp("(^|\\.)" + G[0] + "(\\.|$)"); o.each((, "events").live || {}), function() { if (F.test(this.type)) { E++ } }); if (E < 1) { o.event.remove(this, G[0], c) } } } }} }; o.Event = function(E) { if (!this.preventDefault) { return new o.Event(E) } if (E && E.type) { this.originalEvent = E; this.type = E.type } else { this.type = E } this.timeStamp = e(); this[h] = true }; function k() { return false } function u() { return true } o.Event.prototype = { preventDefault: function() { this.isDefaultPrevented = u; var E = this.originalEvent; if (!E) { return } if (E.preventDefault) { E.preventDefault() } E.returnValue = false }, stopPropagation: function() { this.isPropagationStopped = u; var E = this.originalEvent; if (!E) { return } if (E.stopPropagation) { E.stopPropagation() } E.cancelBubble = true }, stopImmediatePropagation: function() { this.isImmediatePropagationStopped = u; this.stopPropagation() }, isDefaultPrevented: k, isPropagationStopped: k, isImmediatePropagationStopped: k }; var a = function(F) { var E = F.relatedTarget; while (E && E != this) { try { E = E.parentNode } catch (G) { E = this } } if (E != this) { F.type =; o.event.handle.apply(this, arguments) } }; o.each({ mouseover: "mouseenter", mouseout: "mouseleave" }, function(F, E) { o.event.special[E] = { setup: function() { o.event.add(this, F, a, E) }, teardown: function() { o.event.remove(this, F, a) } } }); o.fn.extend({ bind: function(F, G, E) { return F == "unload" ?, G, E) : this.each(function() { o.event.add(this, F, E || G, E && G) }) }, one: function(G, H, F) { var E = o.event.proxy(F || H, function(I) { o(this).unbind(I, E); return (F || H).apply(this, arguments) }); return this.each(function() { o.event.add(this, G, E, F && H) }) }, unbind: function(F, E) { return this.each(function() { o.event.remove(this, F, E) }) }, trigger: function(E, F) { return this.each(function() { o.event.trigger(E, F, this) }) }, triggerHandler: function(E, G) { if (this[0]) { var F = o.Event(E); F.preventDefault(); F.stopPropagation(); o.event.trigger(F, G, this[0]); return F.result } }, toggle: function(G) { var E = arguments, F = 1; while (F < E.length) { o.event.proxy(G, E[F++]) } return, function(H) { this.lastToggle = (this.lastToggle || 0) % F; H.preventDefault(); return E[this.lastToggle++].apply(this, arguments) || false })) }, hover: function(E, F) { return this.mouseenter(E).mouseleave(F) }, ready: function(E) { B(); var F = l.gadgets && gadgets.views && gadgets.views.getParams() || {}; if (o.isReady) {, o, F) } else { o.readyList.push(function() { return, o, F) }) } return this }, live: function(G, F) { var E = o.event.proxy(F); E.guid += this.selector + G; o(document).bind(i(G, this.selector), this.selector, E); return this }, die: function(F, E) { o(document).unbind(i(F, this.selector), E ? { guid: E.guid + this.selector + F} : null); return this } }); function c(H) { var E = RegExp("(^|\\.)" + H.type + "(\\.|$)"), G = true, F = []; o.each(, "events").live || [], function(I, J) { if (E.test(J.type)) { var K = o([0]; if (K) { F.push({ elem: K, fn: J }) } } }); F.sort(function(J, I) { return, "closest") -, "closest") }); o.each(F, function() { if (, H, === false) { return (G = false) } }); return G } function i(F, E) { return ["live", F, E.replace(/\./g, "`").replace(/ /g, "|")].join(".") } o.extend({ isReady: false, readyList: [], ready: function() { if (!o.isReady) { o.isReady = true; if (o.readyList) { o.each(o.readyList, function() {, o) }); o.readyList = null } o(document).triggerHandler("ready") } } }); var x = false; function B() { if (x) { return } if ( && google.friendconnect) { if (!o.container || ! { return } } x = true; if ( && google.friendconnect) { if (o.container.parentUrl) { google.friendconnect.container.setParentUrl(o.container.parentUrl) } google.friendconnect.container.setNoCache(o.container.cache ? 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this.bind(E, G) : this.trigger(E) } }); o(l).bind("unload", function() { for (var E in o.cache) { if (E != 1 && o.cache[E].handle) { o.event.remove(o.cache[E].handle.elem) } } }); (function() { = {}; var F = document.documentElement, G = document.createElement("script"), K = document.createElement("div"), J = "script" + (new Date).getTime(); = "none"; K.innerHTML = '
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"&" : "?") +; = null } if ( && ! { o.event.trigger("ajaxStart") } if ( && google.friendconnect || !l.gadgets) { var Q = /^(\w+:)?\/\/([^\/?#]+)/.exec(M.url); if (M.dataType == "script" && G == "GET" && Q && (Q[1] && Q[1] != location.protocol || Q[2] != { var H = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var T = document.createElement("script"); T.src = M.url; if (M.scriptCharset) { T.charset = M.scriptCharset } if (!W) { var O = false; T.onload = T.onreadystatechange = function() { if (!O && (!this.readyState || this.readyState == "loaded" || this.readyState == "complete")) { O = true; I(); L(); T.onload = T.onreadystatechange = null; H.removeChild(T) } } } H.appendChild(T); return g } } var K = false; var J = M.xhr(G, M.url, M); if (M.username) {, M.url, M.async, M.username, M.password) } else {, M.url, M.async) } try { if ( { J.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", M.contentType) } if (M.ifModified) { J.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", o.lastModified[M.url] || "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT") } J.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest"); J.setRequestHeader("Accept", M.dataType && M.accepts[M.dataType] ? 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"notmodified" : "success"; if (R == "success") { try { V = o.httpData(J, M.dataType, M) } catch (Z) { R = "parsererror" } } if (R == "success") { var Y; try { Y = J.getResponseHeader("Last-Modified") } catch (Z) { } if (M.ifModified && Y) { o.lastModified[M.url] = Y } if (!W) { I() } } else { o.handleError(M, J, R) } L(); if (X) { J.abort() } if (M.async) { J = null } } } }; if (M.async) { var P = setInterval(N, 13); if (M.timeout > 0) { setTimeout(function() { if (J && !K) { N("timeout") } }, M.timeout) } } try { J.send( } catch (S) { o.handleError(M, J, null, S) } if (!M.async) { N() } function I() { if (M.success) { M.success(V, R) } if ( { o.event.trigger("ajaxSuccess", [J, M]) } } function L() { if (M.complete) { M.complete(J, R) } if ( { o.event.trigger("ajaxComplete", [J, M]) } if ( && ! { o.event.trigger("ajaxStop") } } return J }, handleError: function(F, H, E, G) { if (F.error) { F.error(H, E, G) } if ( { o.event.trigger("ajaxError", [H, F, G]) } }, active: 0, httpSuccess: function(F) { try { return !F.status && location.protocol == "file:" || (F.status >= 200 && F.status < 300) || F.status == 304 || F.status == 1223 } catch (E) { } return false }, httpNotModified: function(G, E) { try { var H = G.getResponseHeader("Last-Modified"); return G.status == 304 || H == o.lastModified[E] } catch (F) { } return false }, httpData: function(J, H, G) { var F = J.getResponseHeader("content-type"), E = H == "xml" || !H && F && F.indexOf("xml") >= 0, I = E && J.responseXML || H === "feed" && J.responseFeed || H === "data" && J.responseData || J.responseText; if (E && I.documentElement.tagName == "parsererror") { throw "parsererror" } if (H === "feed" && !I) { throw "parsererror" } if (G && G.dataFilter) { I = G.dataFilter(I, H) } if (typeof I === "string") { if (H == "script") { o.globalEval(I) } if (H == "json") { I = l["eval"]("(" + I + ")") } } return I }, param: function(E) { var G = []; function H(I, J) { G[G.length] = encodeURIComponent(I) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(J) } if (o.isArray(E) || E.jquery) { o.each(E, function() { H(, this.value) }) } else { for (var F in E) { if (o.isArray(E[F])) { o.each(E[F], function() { H(F, this) }) } else { H(F, o.isFunction(E[F]) ? 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G : o(this).is(":hidden"); o(this)[H ? "show" : "hide"]() }) : this.animate(t("toggle", 3), G, F) }, fadeTo: function(E, G, F) { return this.animate({ opacity: G }, E, F) }, animate: function(I, F, H, G) { var E = o.speed(F, H, G); return this[E.queue === false ? "each" : "queue"](function() { var K = o.extend({}, E), M, L = this.nodeType == 1 && o(this).is(":hidden"), J = this; for (M in I) { if (I[M] == "hide" && L || I[M] == "show" && !L) { return } if ((M == "height" || M == "width") && { K.display = o.css(this, "display"); K.overflow = } } if (K.overflow != null) { = "hidden" } K.curAnim = o.extend({}, I); o.each(I, function(O, S) { var R = new o.fx(J, K, O); if (/toggle|show|hide/.test(S)) { R[S == "toggle" ? L ? "show" : "hide" : S](I) } else { var Q = S.toString().match(/^([+-]=)?([\d+-.]+)(.*)$/), T = R.cur(true) || 0; if (Q) { var N = parseFloat(Q[2]), P = Q[3] || "px"; if (P != "px") {[O] = (N || 1) + P; T = ((N || 1) / R.cur(true)) * T;[O] = T + P } if (Q[1]) { N = ((Q[1] == "-=" ? -1 : 1) * N) + T } R.custom(T, N, P) } else { R.custom(T, S, "") } } }); return true }) }, stop: function(F, E) { var G = o.timers; if (F) { this.queue([]) } this.each(function() { for (var H = G.length - 1; H >= 0; H--) { if (G[H].elem == this) { if (E) { G[H](true) } G.splice(H, 1) } } }); if (!E) { this.dequeue() } return this } }); o.each({ slideDown: t("show", 1), slideUp: t("hide", 1), slideToggle: t("toggle", 1), fadeIn: { opacity: "show" }, fadeOut: { opacity: "hide"} }, function(E, F) { o.fn[E] = function(G, H) { return this.animate(F, G, H) } }); o.extend({ speed: function(G, H, F) { var E = typeof G === "object" ? G : { complete: F || !F && H || o.isFunction(G) && G, duration: G, easing: F && H || H && !o.isFunction(H) && H }; E.duration = ? 0 : typeof E.duration === "number" ? E.duration : o.fx.speeds[E.duration] || o.fx.speeds._default; E.old = E.complete; E.complete = function() { if (E.queue !== false) { o(this).dequeue() } if (o.isFunction(E.old)) { } }; return E }, easing: { linear: function(G, H, E, F) { return E + F * G }, swing: function(G, H, E, F) { return ((-Math.cos(G * Math.PI) / 2) + 0.5) * F + E } }, timers: [], fx: function(F, E, G) { this.options = E; this.elem = F; this.prop = G; if (!E.orig) { E.orig = {} } } }); o.fx.prototype = { update: function() { if (this.options.step) {,, this) } (o.fx.step[this.prop] || o.fx.step._default)(this); if ((this.prop == "height" || this.prop == "width") && { = "block" } }, cur: function(F) { if (this.elem[this.prop] != null && (! ||[this.prop] == null)) { return this.elem[this.prop] } var E = parseFloat(o.css(this.elem, this.prop, F)); return E && E > -10000 ? E : parseFloat(o.curCSS(this.elem, this.prop)) || 0 }, custom: function(I, H, G) { this.startTime = e(); this.start = I; this.end = H; this.unit = G || this.unit || "px"; = this.start; this.pos = this.state = 0; var E = this; function F(J) { return E.step(J) } F.elem = this.elem; if (F() && o.timers.push(F) && !n) { n = setInterval(function() { var K = o.timers; for (var J = 0; J < K.length; J++) { if (!K[J]()) { K.splice(J--, 1) } } if (!K.length) { clearInterval(n); n = g } }, 13) } }, show: function() { this.options.orig[this.prop] = o.attr(, this.prop); = true; this.custom(this.prop == "width" || this.prop == "height" ? 1 : 0, this.cur()); o(this.elem).show() }, hide: function() { this.options.orig[this.prop] = o.attr(, this.prop); this.options.hide = true; this.custom(this.cur(), 0) }, step: function(H) { var G = e(); if (H || G >= this.options.duration + this.startTime) { = this.end; this.pos = this.state = 1; this.update(); this.options.curAnim[this.prop] = true; var E = true; for (var F in this.options.curAnim) { if (this.options.curAnim[F] !== true) { E = false } } if (E) { if (this.options.display != null) { = this.options.overflow; = this.options.display; if (o.css(this.elem, "display") == "none") { = "block" } } if (this.options.hide) { o(this.elem).hide() } if (this.options.hide || { for (var I in this.options.curAnim) { o.attr(, I, this.options.orig[I]) } } } return false } else { var J = G - this.startTime; this.state = J / this.options.duration; this.pos = o.easing[this.options.easing || (o.easing.swing ? "swing" : "linear")](this.state, J, 0, 1, this.options.duration); = this.start + ((this.end - this.start) * this.pos); this.update() } return true } }; o.extend(o.fx, { speeds: { slow: 600, fast: 200, _default: 400 }, step: { opacity: function(E) { o.attr(, "opacity", }, _default: function(E) { if ( &&[E.prop] != null) {[E.prop] = + E.unit } else { E.elem[E.prop] = } } } }); if (document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect) { o.fn.offset = function() { if (!this[0]) { return { top: 0, left: 0} } if (this[0] === this[0].ownerDocument.body) { return o.offset.bodyOffset(this[0]) } var G = this[0].getBoundingClientRect(), J = this[0].ownerDocument, F = J.body, E = J.documentElement, L = E.clientTop || F.clientTop || 0, K = E.clientLeft || F.clientLeft || 0, I = + (self.pageYOffset || o.boxModel && E.scrollTop || F.scrollTop) - L, H = G.left + (self.pageXOffset || o.boxModel && E.scrollLeft || F.scrollLeft) - K; return { top: I, left: H} } } else { o.fn.offset = function() { if (!this[0]) { return { top: 0, left: 0} } if (this[0] === this[0].ownerDocument.body) { return o.offset.bodyOffset(this[0]) } o.offset.initialized || o.offset.initialize(); var J = this[0], G = J.offsetParent, F = J, O = J.ownerDocument, M, H = O.documentElement, K = O.body, L = O.defaultView, E = L.getComputedStyle(J, null), N = J.offsetTop, I = J.offsetLeft; while ((J = J.parentNode) && J !== K && J !== H) { M = L.getComputedStyle(J, null); N -= J.scrollTop, I -= J.scrollLeft; if (J === G) { N += J.offsetTop, I += J.offsetLeft; if (o.offset.doesNotAddBorder && !(o.offset.doesAddBorderForTableAndCells && /^t(able|d|h)$/i.test(J.tagName))) { N += parseInt(M.borderTopWidth, 10) || 0, I += parseInt(M.borderLeftWidth, 10) || 0 } F = G, G = J.offsetParent } if (o.offset.subtractsBorderForOverflowNotVisible && M.overflow !== "visible") { N += parseInt(M.borderTopWidth, 10) || 0, I += parseInt(M.borderLeftWidth, 10) || 0 } E = M } if (E.position === "relative" || E.position === "static") { N += K.offsetTop, I += K.offsetLeft } if (E.position === "fixed") { N += Math.max(H.scrollTop, K.scrollTop), I += Math.max(H.scrollLeft, K.scrollLeft) } return { top: N, left: I} } } o.offset = { initialize: function() { if (this.initialized) { return } var L = document.body, F = document.createElement("div"), H, G, N, I, M, E, J =, K = '
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H : o(l).scrollLeft(), F ? H : o(l).scrollTop()) : this[G] = H }) : this[0] == l || this[0] == document ? self[F ? "pageYOffset" : "pageXOffset"] || o.boxModel && document.documentElement[G] || document.body[G] : this[0][G] } }); o.each(["Height", "Width"], function(I, G) { var E = I ? "Left" : "Top", H = I ? "Right" : "Bottom", F = G.toLowerCase(); o.fn["inner" + G] = function() { return this[0] ? o.css(this[0], F, false, "padding") : null }; o.fn["outer" + G] = function(K) { return this[0] ? o.css(this[0], F, false, K ? "margin" : "border") : null }; var J = G.toLowerCase(); o.fn[J] = function(K) { return this[0] == l ? document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat" && document.documentElement["client" + G] || document.body["client" + G] : this[0] == document ? Math.max(document.documentElement["client" + G], document.body["scroll" + G], document.documentElement["scroll" + G], document.body["offset" + G], document.documentElement["offset" + G]) : K === g ? 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K : K + "px") } }) })(); jQuery.extend({ invite: function(a) { google.friendconnect.requestInvite(a) }, settings: function(a) { jQuery.signList[""] = a || function() { }; google.friendconnect.requestSettings() }, anonymous: true, signList: {}, signIn: function(b, a) { if (jQuery.isFunction(b)) { a = b; b = null } if (b) { b = b.toUpperCase() } jQuery.signList[""] = a || function() { }; google.friendconnect.requestSignIn(b) }, signOut: function(a) { jQuery.signList[""] = a || function() { }; google.friendconnect.requestSignOut() } }); jQuery.fn.extend({ signIn: function(b) { var a = +new Date; this.each(function() { if (! { = "signIn" + a++ } var c = jQuery(this); google.friendconnect.renderSignInButton({ id:, text: c.text(), style: c.hasClass("text") && "text" || c.hasClass("long") && "long" || "standard" }); c.children("div:first").click(function() { jQuery.signList[""] = function() { c.each(b || function() { }) } }) }) }, gadget: function(b, c) { var a = +new Date; this.each(function() { var d = $(this); if (! { = "gadget" + a++ } if (jQuery.container.parentUrl) { google.friendconnect.container.setParentUrl(jQuery.container.parentUrl) } google.friendconnect.container.setNoCache(jQuery.container.cache ? 0 : 1); if (jQuery.container.locale) { google.friendconnect.container.setLocale(jQuery.container.locale) } google.friendconnect.container.renderOpenSocialGadget({ id:, url: b, "view-params": c, site:, locale: d.attr("xml:lang") || d.attr("lang"), presentation: d.hasClass("canvas") ? 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"embedCachedFlash" : "embedFlash"; return this.each(function() { gadgets.flash[k](i, this, g.flash.version, l) }) }; g.fn.minimessage = function(i) { return this.each(function(j, k) { if (k.parentNode) { k.parentNode.removeChild(k) } new gadgets.MiniMessage().createDismissibleMessage(k, function() { return (i || function() { }).apply(k) !== false }) }) }; g.fn.tabs = function(i) { return this.each(function() { var j = new gadgets.TabSet(null, null, this); j.alignTabs("left"); g("ul", this).find("li a").each(function(k) { var l = g("#" + this.href.split("#")[1]).get(0); j.addTab(g(this).html(), { tooltip: this.title, contentContainer: l, callback: function() { if (i) { i.apply(l, [k, l]) } } }) }).end().remove() }) }; = function(i, j) { gadgets.pubsub.publish(i, j) }; g.sub = function(j, i) { gadgets.pubsub.subscribe(j, i) }; = function(i) { return gadgets.skins.getProperty(i.replace(/([A-Z]+)/g, "_$1").toUpperCase()) || gadgets.skins.getProperty(i) } })(jQuery); jQuery.extend({ oauth: function(e, g, f) { if (jQuery.isFunction(g)) { f = g; g = {} } g = jQuery.extend({}, { width: 600, height: 435 }, g); var b = []; for (var c in g) { b.push(c + "=" + g[c]) } g = b.join(","); var d = jQuery.oauth[e]; if (d) { new gadgets.oauth.Popup(d, g, function() { jQuery.oauth[e] = undefined }, function() { if (f) { f() } }).onClick_() } return !!d } }); (function(b) { b._xhr = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments) }; b._xhr.prototype = { initialize: function(c) { this.readyState = 0; this.s = c }, open: function(f, d, e, g, c) { this.readyState = 1; this.type = f; this.url = d; this.requestHeaders = {}; this.responseHeaders = {} }, send: function(h) { var e = this; var f = e.url; var c = e.s.oauth; var d = e.s.dataType; var g = []; g[] = e.type; g[] = e.requestHeaders; g[] = d === "xml" && || d === "feed" && ||; if (h) { g[] = h } if (c == "signed") { g[] = } else { if (c) { g[] =; g[] = c } } if (d == "feed") { jQuery.extend(g, { NUM_ENTRIES: 10, GET_SUMMARIES: true }) } if (!b.container.cache) { g[] = 1 }, function(i) { e.readyState = 4; if (b.container.myspace) { if (i.errorCode) { e.status = 400; e.responseText = i.errorMessage } else { e.status = 200; e.responseHeaders = {}; e.responseText = i.text; if (d == "xml") { e.responseXML = } else { if (d == "feed") { = e.url; =; =; = ""; =, function(j) { j.Link =; j.Title = j.title; j.Date = new Date(j.pubDate).getTime(); return j }); e.responseFeed = } } } } else { if (i.oauthApprovalUrl) { e.status = 401; jQuery.oauth[c] = i.oauthApprovalUrl } else { if (i.oauthError) { e.status = 403; e.responseText = i.oauthError } else { if (i.errors.length > 0) { e.status = 400; e.responseText = i.errors.join(" ") } else { e.status = i.rc || 200; e.responseHeaders = i.headers || {}; e.responseText = i.text; if (d == "xml") { e.responseXML = } else { if (d == "feed") { if ( { b.each(, function(j, k) { if (k.Date < Math.pow(2, 32)) { k.Date *= 1000 } }) } e.responseFeed = } } } } } if (b.container.goohome && c && !jQuery.oauth[c] && c != "signed") { } } }, g) }, abort: function() { this.readyState = 0 }, setRequestHeader: function(d, c) { this.requestHeaders[d] = c }, getResponseHeader: function(c) { return this.responseHeaders[c] } }; var a = []; b.ajaxSettings.xhr = function(e, c, d) { for (route in a) { if ((e + " " + c).indexOf(route) == 0) { return new a[route] } } if (!( && google.friendconnect || !window.gadgets)) { var f = /^(?:\w+:)?\/\/([^\/?#]+)/; if (f.test(c) && f.exec(c)[1] != { return new b._xhr(d) } } return window.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") : new XMLHttpRequest() }; b.ajaxSettings.xhr.addRoute = function(d, c, e) { a[d + " " + c] = e }; b.proxy = function(c) { var d = {}; if (!b.container.cache) { d[] = 1 } return, d) } })(jQuery); (function(g) { g(function() { if (window.opensocial) { g.container.domain = opensocial.getEnvironment().getDomain() } }); var e = { "@me": "VIEWER", "@viewer": "VIEWER", "@owner": "OWNER", "@self": "SELF", "@friends": "FRIENDS", "@admins": "ADMINS", "@all": "ALL", "@me/@friends": "VIEWER_FRIENDS", "@viewer/@friends": "VIEWER_FRIENDS", "@owner/@friends": "OWNER_FRIENDS" }; var b = { "@all": "all", "@app": "hasApp" }; var a = { ok: 200, notImplemented: 501, unauthorized: 401, forbidden: 403, badRequest: 400, internalError: 500, limitExceeded: 417 }; var d = function(k) { var j = {}, l = ""; var n = k.indexOf("?"); if (n != -1) { l = k.substring(n + 1); k = k.substring(0, n) } var k = k.split("/"); if (k[2]) { j.userId = k[2] } if (k[3]) { j.groupId = k[3] } if (k[4]) { j.appId = k[4] } if (k[4]) { j.albumId = k[4] } if (k[5]) { j.mediaItemId = k[5] } var l = l.split("&"); var m = {}; g.each(l, function(p, r) { var o = r.replace(/\+/g, " "), q = ""; var s = o.indexOf("="); if (s != -1) { q = o.substring(s + 1); o = o.substring(0, s) } m[decodeURIComponent(o)] = decodeURIComponent(q) }); if (m.fields) { j.fields = m.fields.split(","); j.fields =, g.trim); j.fields = g.grep(j.fields, function(o) { return o != "" }) } if (m.startIndex) { j.startIndex = parseInt(m.startIndex, 10) } if (m.count) { j.count = parseInt(m.count, 10) } if (m.sortBy) { j.sortBy = m.sortBy } if (m.filterBy) { j.filterBy = m.filterBy } if (m.networkDistance) { j.networkDistance = parseInt(m.networkDistance, 10) } if (m.appData !== undefined) { j.appData = i(m.appData) } return j }; var i = function(j) { if (j.constructor !== Array) { j = j.split(",") } return g.grep(, g.trim), function(k) { return k != "" }) }; var h = function(n) { var l = n.userId || "@me"; l = e[l] || l; var k = n.groupId || "@self"; k = e[k] || k; var m = n.networkDistance; var o = l + (k == e["@self"] ? "" : "_" + k); var j = opensocial.newIdSpec({ userId: l, groupId: k, networkDistance: m }); j.userId = l; j.groupId = k; j.networkDistance = m; = o; j.self = k == e["@self"]; return j }; var c = function(k) { var j = {}; if (k && k.fields_) { for (key in k.fields_) { j[key] = c(k.fields_[key]) } } else { if (k && k.constructor === Array) { j =, function(l) { return c(l) }) } else { j = k } } return j }; var f = function(l) { if (!l.hadError()) { return false } var j; var n; var m = l.getErrorMessage(); var k = l.responseItems_; g.each(k, function(o, p) { if (p.hadError()) { j = a[p.getErrorCode()]; n = p.getErrorCode(); m = p.getErrorMessage() } }); return { status: j || a.internalError, statusText: n || "internalError", reason: m || ""} }; g._xhr.getPeople = function() { this.initialize() }; g.extend(g._xhr.getPeople.prototype, g._xhr.prototype, { send: function(o) { var j = this, n = d(j.url); var k = h(n); var p = { first: n.startIndex || 0, max: n.count || 20 }; if (n.appId) { p.filter = b[n.appId] || n.appId } if (n.fields) { p.profileDetail = n.fields } if (n.sortBy) { p.sortOrder = n.sortBy } if (n.filterBy) { p.filter = n.filterBy } if (g.container.myspace) { p.first++ } var m = n.appData || []; if (g.container.myspace) { if (m.length == 0) { m = "*" } } if (k.self) { var l = opensocial.newDataRequest(); l.add(l.newFetchPersonRequest(, p), "people"); if (n.appData) { l.add(l.newFetchPersonAppDataRequest(k, m, { escapeType: "none" }), "appdata") } l.send(function(r) { j.readyState = 4; var q = f(r); if (q) { j.status = q.status; j.statusText = q.statusText; j.responseText = q.reason } else { var t = r.get("people"); var s = [c(t.getData())]; s.startIndex = p.first; s.itemsPerPage = p.max; s.totalResults = s.length; if (g.container.myspace) { s.startIndex-- } if (n.appData) { var t = r.get("appdata"); var v = t.getData(); for (userId in v) { var u = v[userId]; if (!g.container.myspace) { for (key in u) { u[key] = gadgets.json.parse(u[key]) } } } g.each(s, function(x, w) { w.appData = v[] || {} }) } j.status = a.ok; j.statusText = "ok"; j.responseData = s } }) } else { var l = opensocial.newDataRequest(); l.add(l.newFetchPeopleRequest(k, p), "people"); if (n.appData) { l.add(l.newFetchPersonAppDataRequest(k, m, { escapeType: "none" }), "appdata") } l.send(function(r) { j.readyState = 4; var q = f(r); if (q) { j.status = q.status; j.statusText = q.statusText; j.responseText = q.reason } else { var t = r.get("people"); var w = t.getData(); var s =, function(x) { return c(x) }); s.startIndex = p.first; s.itemsPerPage = p.max; s.totalResults = w.getTotalSize(); if (g.container.myspace) { s.startIndex-- } if (n.appData) { var t = r.get("appdata"); var v = t.getData(); for (userId in v) { var u = v[userId]; if (!g.container.myspace) { for (key in u) { u[key] = gadgets.json.parse(u[key]) } } } g.each(s, function(y, x) { x.appData = v[] || {} }) } j.status = a.ok; j.statusText = "ok"; j.responseData = s } }) } } }); g.ajaxSettings.xhr.addRoute("GET", "/people/", g._xhr.getPeople); g._xhr.getAppData = function() { this.initialize() }; g.extend(g._xhr.getAppData.prototype, g._xhr.prototype, { send: function(o) { var j = this, n = d(j.url); var k = h(n); var m = n.fields || []; var p = { escapeType: "none" }; if (g.container.myspace) { if (m.length == 0) { m = "*" } } var l = opensocial.newDataRequest(); l.add(l.newFetchPersonAppDataRequest(k, m, p), "data"); l.send(function(r) { j.readyState = 4; var q = f(r); if (q) { j.status = q.status; j.statusText = q.statusText; j.responseText = q.reason } else { var s = r.get("data"); var u = s.getData(); for (userId in u) { var t = u[userId]; if (!g.container.myspace) { for (key in t) { t[key] = gadgets.json.parse(t[key]) } } } j.status = a.ok; j.statusText = "ok"; j.responseData = u } }) } }); g.ajaxSettings.xhr.addRoute("GET", "/appdata/", g._xhr.getAppData); g._xhr.postAppData = function() { this.initialize() }; g.extend(g._xhr.postAppData.prototype, g._xhr.prototype, { send: function(o) { var j = this, n = d(j.url); var k = h(n); var m = n.fields || []; if (m.length == 0) { for (key in o) { m.push(key) } } var l = opensocial.newDataRequest(); g.each(m, function(q, p) { l.add(l.newUpdatePersonAppDataRequest(, p, gadgets.json.stringify(o[p])), p) }); l.send(function(q) { j.readyState = 4; var p = f(q); if (p) { j.status = p.status; j.statusText = p.statusText; j.responseText = p.reason } else { j.status = a.ok; j.statusText = "ok"; j.responseData = {} } }) } }); g.ajaxSettings.xhr.addRoute("POST", "/appdata/", g._xhr.postAppData); g._xhr.getActivity = function() { this.initialize() }; g.extend(g._xhr.getActivity.prototype, g._xhr.prototype, { send: function(n) { var j = this, m = d(j.url); var k = h(m); var l = opensocial.newDataRequest(); l.add(l.newFetchActivitiesRequest(k), "data"); l.send(function(p) { j.readyState = 4; var o = f(p); if (o) { j.status = o.status; j.statusText = o.statusText; j.responseText = o.reason } else { var q = p.get("data"); var s = q.getData(); var r =, function(t) { return c(t) }); r.startIndex = 0; r.itemsPerPage = 20; r.totalResults = s.getTotalSize(); j.status = a.ok; j.statusText = "ok"; j.responseData = r } }) } }); g.ajaxSettings.xhr.addRoute("GET", "/activities/", g._xhr.getActivity); g._xhr.postActivity = function() { this.initialize() }; g.extend(g._xhr.postActivity.prototype, g._xhr.prototype, { send: function(k) { var j = this; k.mediaItems = || [], function(l) { return opensocial.newMediaItem(l[opensocial.MediaItem.Field.MIME_TYPE], l[opensocial.MediaItem.Field.URL], l) }); opensocial.requestCreateActivity(opensocial.newActivity(k), opensocial.CreateActivityPriority.HIGH, function(m) { j.readyState = 4; var l = f(new opensocial.DataResponse({ data: m }, m.hadError())); if (l) { j.status = l.status; j.statusText = l.statusText; j.responseText = l.reason } else { j.status = a.ok; j.statusText = "ok"; j.responseData = m.getData() || {} } }) } }); g.ajaxSettings.xhr.addRoute("POST", "/activities/", g._xhr.postActivity); g._xhr.postMessage = function() { this.initialize() }; g.extend(g._xhr.postMessage.prototype, g._xhr.prototype, { send: function(m) { var k = this; var j = m.recipients; if (typeof (j) == "string") { j = j.split(",") } j =, function(n) { return e[n] || n }); if (j.length <= 1) { j = j[0] } var l = opensocial.newMessage(m[opensocial.Message.Field.BODY], m); opensocial.requestSendMessage(j, l, function(o) { k.readyState = 4; var n = f(new opensocial.DataResponse({ data: o }, o.hadError())); if (n) { k.status = n.status; k.statusText = n.statusText; k.responseText = n.reason } else { k.status = a.ok; k.statusText = "ok"; k.responseData = o.getData() || {} } }) } }); g.ajaxSettings.xhr.addRoute("POST", "/messages/", g._xhr.postMessage); g._xhr.getAlbums = function() { this.initialize() }; g.extend(g._xhr.getAlbums.prototype, g._xhr.prototype, { send: function(n) { var j = this, m = d(j.url); var k = h(m); var o = { first: m.startIndex || 0, max: m.count || 20 }; if (m.albumId) { o.albumId = i(m.albumId) } var l = opensocial.newDataRequest(); l.add(l.newFetchAlbumsRequest(k, o), "data"); l.send(function(r) { j.readyState = 4; var q = f(r); if (q) { j.status = q.status; j.statusText = q.statusText; j.responseText = q.reason } else { var s = r.get("data"); var t = s.getData(); var p =, c); p.startIndex = o.first; p.itemsPerPage = o.max; p.totalResults = t.getTotalSize(); j.status = a.ok; j.statusText = "ok"; j.responseData = p } }) } }); g.ajaxSettings.xhr.addRoute("GET", "/albums/", g._xhr.getAlbums); g._xhr.getMediaItems = function() { this.initialize() }; g.extend(g._xhr.getMediaItems.prototype, g._xhr.prototype, { send: function(n) { var j = this, m = d(j.url); var k = h(m); var o = { first: m.startIndex || 0, max: m.count || 20 }; if (m.mediaItemId) { o.mediaItemId = i(m.mediaItemId) } var l = opensocial.newDataRequest(); l.add(l.newFetchMediaItemsRequest(k, m.albumId, o), "data"); 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1. Which is a method for calculating the height of a geological feature?

Trigger point
Select from the options above.

2. The line "A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse" is from which play?

Richard III
King Lear
Troilus and Cressida
The Tempest
Select from the options above.

3. Games such as geocaching, trigpointing, and lettermarking all share some characteristics; which of these is not one of them?

Maps or GPS
Navigation or web searches to find hidden caches or markers
Online purchases made with bitcoins
Marking or recording the find with an ID personal to the gamer
Select from the options above.

4. Which Winter Olympics sport has involved the use of a .30-06 Springfield?

Alpine skiing
Speed skating
Select from the options above.

5. What river, that passes through Turin, is the longest river in Italy?

Select from the options above.

6. Where was the first disc recording studio in Europe set up?

Abbey Road, London, UK
Maiden Lane, London, UK
Giske, Norway
Santorini, Greece
Select from the options above.

7. Which British actor debuted on the West End stage in 1956 in "Look Back in Anger", a role he had originated at the Royal Court which made him a star, and made his film debut in 1960 in "The Entertainer" opposite Laurence Olivier?

Albert Finney
Peter O'Toole
Sean Connery
Alan Bates
Select from the options above.
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