Daily Quiz #1226
A new general knowledge quiz is available every day. Try today's quiz or work through our archive of daily and themed quizzes.
Q1. The US state of Iowa has a southern border with what other US state?
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Q2. Traditionally, what should you cross for good luck?
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Q3. What is the name for about 70 species of insect native to New Zealand that can grow as long as 100 mm (4 in) not including the legs and antennae, and weigh about 20-30 g (1 to 3/4 of an ounce)?
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Q4. After the Parthenon had stood in Athens for over 2,000 years it was destroyed in 1687 by which two countries?
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Q5. Which of these is part of a golf course?
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Q6. Martin Esslin coined what term for particular plays written in the 1940 to 1960s, and to the style of theatre which has evolved from their work by, for example, Samuel Beckett, Eugène Ionesco, Jean Genet, Harold Pinter, Tom Stoppard, Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Fernando Arrabal, and Edward Albee?
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Q7. In 1997, who was appointed the first female US Secretary of State?
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