Daily Quiz #2651
A new general knowledge quiz is available every day. Try today's quiz or work through our archive of daily and themed quizzes.
Q1. What sea creature living in the Arctic has a tapering tusk, spirally grooved, 2 to 3 metres (7 to 10 feet) long?
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Q2. A painting by Sandro Botticelli that depicts a goddess, having emerged from the sea as a full grown woman, arriving at the sea-shore on a sea shell is called "The Birth of ... " who?
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Q3. How many of the Great Lakes form part of the border between the U S A and Canada?
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Q4. The Rana Plaza collapse in Bangladesh in 2013 was the collapse of what?
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Q5. On July 6, 2007, the IOC approved what new venture to complement the Olympic Games, starting in 2010?
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Q6. In the 1960s, record players were manufactured to revolve at 78, 45 and 33 revolutions per minute, and what other speed?
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Q7. Who had hit records with "Eh Eh", "Let's Dance" and "Poker Face"?
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