Daily Quiz #2689
A new general knowledge quiz is available every day. Try today's quiz or work through our archive of daily and themed quizzes.
Q1. Which of these was the 1958 Nobel Prize laureate, a Russian poet, novelist and translator of Goethe and Shakespeare, most celebrated in Russia as a poet ?
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Q2. Which of Ludwig van Beethoven's symphonies starts with two tempestuous statements, when interpreted by the Morse code, of the letter "V"?
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Q3. Which three times Formula One champion was burnt in a crash in the 1976 F1 World Championship?
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Q4. Which is People's Republic of China's southernmost province?
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Q5. Kurt Wiese (1887 - 1974) was born in Germany, lived in China, was a prisoner of war in Japan and Australia, moved to Brazil after the end of WW I, then the USA in 1927, and is well-known as what?
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Q6. What name is given to the potential difference measured across a conductor of 1 ohm resistance when current of 1 ampere is flowing?
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Q7. When General Francisco Franco, Leader of Spain, died in 1975 what became of the government in Spain?
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