Daily Quiz #3844
A new general knowledge quiz is available every day. Try today's quiz or work through our archive of daily and themed quizzes.
Q1. Which US president was a swimming instructor and lifeguard in Illinois?
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Q2. From which Olympic Games were Germany and Japan excluded?
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Q3. What does Roe v Wade usually signify in the USA?
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Q4. What architectural term was applied by the Romans to any public building built in a rectangle twice as long as it was broad with an internal 2 storied colonnade?
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Q5. Which of these capitals is the most southern?
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Q6. Canvey Wick in the Thames estuary, Essex, UK, is a nature reserve focussed on what?
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Q7. The anniversary that commemorates Captain Arthur Phillip's establishing in 1788 the first British settlement as a colony in what became known as Australia, is celebrated on which day every year?
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