Daily Quiz #3949
A new general knowledge quiz is available every day. Try today's quiz or work through our archive of daily and themed quizzes.
Q1. Which of these "Mary"s was never a Queen?
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Q2. "Rock 'n' Roll", a play by Tom Stoppard that premiered in 2006, takes place in Cambridge, England and what other city?
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Q3. According to the Edward Lear poem, before "they danced by the light of the moon", the Owl and the Pussycat "dined on mince, and slices of quince". What did they eat with?
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Q4. For a point in mathematics, what describes a set of points containing it where one can move in any direction away from that point without leaving the set?
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Q5. Either by invitation or by conquest the Viking, or Varangian, leader Rurik (Hrorekr) established himself in 862 CE in which area?
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Q6. In 2014 what are the main differences between the Australian and New Zealand flags?
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Q7. What shape is a standard backgammon board?
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