Daily Quiz #4398
A new general knowledge quiz is available every day. Try today's quiz or work through our archive of daily and themed quizzes.
Q1. Under what name(s) did Britain's military air forces fly in World War I?
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Q2. From 2010 to 2019, Chile was the world's leading miner of …?
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Q3. What is the most popular sports competition in Australia?
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Q4. What is the favourite food of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?
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Q5. He trained as a stonemason and sculptor, was held as prisoner of war by the US for a year, was a novelist, poet, playwright, illustrator, and graphic artist, and won the 1999 Nobel Prize for Literature. Who was he?
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Q6. What name is given to the mental state in which one imagines oneself as a dog, frequently barking and growling?
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Q7. In what language does the word "taonga" mean "treasure" or "treasured possession"?
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