Daily Quiz #5216
Quizwise has thousands of daily general knowledge quizzes spanning back over 14 years! Each Sunday we publish a quiz that is generated from this extensive history.
Q1. Which of these countries does not play test cricket?
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Q2. Which of these is based in Arlington, Virginia in the USA?
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Q3. What is the unofficial name for the 'crisis' that arose after the resignation of Lord Melbourne in 1838, when Robert Peel was offered the opportunity of forming a government but resigned as Prime Minister, resulting in the return of Lord Melbourne as Prime Minister until the 1841 General Election?
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Q4. By what name is 17th century dramatist Jean Baptiste Poquelin better known?
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Q5. What was the last record to be played on Radio Caroline South before its radio ship was towed into harbour over unpaid debts on the morning of 3 March 1968?
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Q6. In cockney rhyming slang, what are "Apples and Pears"?
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Q7. What transparent, biconvex structure changes shape to change the focal distance of the eye so that it can focus on objects at different distances?
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