Daily Quiz #5454
Quizwise has thousands of daily general knowledge quizzes spanning back over 14 years! Each Sunday we publish a quiz that is generated from this extensive history.
Q1. Where was "the Maccabiah bridge collapse", the failure of a pedestrian bridge over the Yarkon River on 14 July 1997 which killed 4 and injured 60?
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Q2. The Galapagos Islands are in which ocean?
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Q3. Who wrote the play "Oedipus Rex", "Antigone" and "Electra"?
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Q4. What is it called when a surfer falls off the surfboard while riding a wave?
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Q5. Puttees are worn on what part of the body?
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Q6. The fifteen elements with atomic numbers 89 to 103, which includes Actinium (Ac), Thorium (Th), Uranium (U), Neptunium (Np), Plutonium (Pu), Americium (Am), Californium (Cf), Einsteinium (Es) and Lawrencium (Lr), are known as what?
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Q7. What film did Vittorio de Sica direct in 1946 about two innocent boys in Rome who commit a crime to buy a horse?
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