Daily Quiz #5482
Quizwise has thousands of daily general knowledge quizzes spanning back over 14 years! Each Sunday we publish a quiz that is generated from this extensive history.
Q1. What is the area of a triangle whose sides are 5, 12 and 13 inches long?
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Q2. What is the name for a piece of exercise equipment consisting of a metal bar, one or more sets of weight plates, and a set of collars?
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Q3. What is the highest uninterrupted waterfall in the world?
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Q4. On 30 January 2006, which album was certified at 29× Multi Platinum, tying with Michael Jackson's "Thriller" as the biggest selling album in the US market?
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Q5. Who was in charge of the ransacking of much of northern Italy in 452 AD?
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Q6. What expression that probably comes from a description of the components of a musket means "everything"?
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Q7. When Charles I was beheaded, and contrary to custom, the words "Behold the head of a traitor!" were not said when his head was held up and exhibited to the crowd. Revolutionary leader Oliver Cromwell ordered what else to occur that was unusual after such a beheading?
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