Daily Quiz #5580
Quizwise has thousands of daily general knowledge quizzes spanning back over 15 years! Each Sunday we publish a quiz that is generated from this extensive history.
Q1. "Aegrotocatellus jaggeri", an extinct marine arthropod which disappeared about 250 million years ago, is named after whom?
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Q2. In which sport might a competitor perform a half Axel?
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Q3. Which of these people was not assassinated between 1900 and 1910?
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Q4. In which country is the city of Newry?
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Q5. What can be described as a "stout cotton fustian made with a pile so cut as to leave a ridged surface in the direction of the warp"?
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Q6. Who wrote the "Uncle Remus" stories?
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Q7. In 2001, Karen England and Rebecca Knight, found busking in Covent Garden to support singing lessons, were invited to perform at the FA Cup Final & the UEFA Champions League final in Milan. Their album "Beyond Imagination" was #1 in the UK Classical Charts for 11 weeks and #4 in the USA. What are they better known as?
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