Sport Quiz #408
A new sport quiz is available each week. Try our daily general knowledge quiz or work through our archive of daily and themed quizzes.
Q1. What is a set of table top games simulating team sports such as soccer, cricket, both rugby and hockey, and closely associated with soccer, which for many years was marketed as "the replica of Association Football"?
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Q2. Which game uses six sets of coloured pieces, ten of each colour, whereby a piece moves either to an adjacent spot or by a “jump” over another piece?
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Q3. "The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well." This is known as what?
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Q4. Who won the World Individual Championship Speedway title four times in 1957, 1958, 1964 and 1966?
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Q5. Which board game depends on each competitor drawing destination cards, railway car cards and locomotive cards?
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Q6. In 1899 Jim Jeffries, the champion at the time, competed against Tom Sharkey on Coney Island, New York, in what discipline?
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Q7. In chess, what piece can only move diagonally?
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