Daily Quiz #4929
Quizwise has thousands of daily general knowledge quizzes spanning back over 13 years! Each Sunday we publish a quiz that is generated from this extensive history.
Q1. What was the purpose of explorer Captain James Cook's last voyage in 1776?
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Q2. In October 2009 it was announced that director Sam Taylor-Wood was to marry Aaron Johnson, 23 years her junior, who were director and star respectively of "Nowhere Boy", a film about whom?
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Q3. What is a dhow?
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Q4. In 1994, the "National Sports of Canada Act" declared which two sports as the national sports of Canada?
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Q5. What genus of about 70-75 species of flowering plants native to southern and eastern Asia and North and South America are mostly shrubs 1 to 3 metres tall, though some are small trees, and others are lianas reaching up to 30m by climbing trees?
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Q6. Which of these countries does not have a capital city where the name (in its English form) starts and ends with the same letter?
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Q7. Which of these is the name for a festival of Scottish Gaelic song, arts and culture which largely takes the form of formal competitions in choral events, traditional music and spoken word?
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